Red Thunder - Campaign "CMFR Night at the Opera Soviet"
Author: benparkCreated with versionpre-release CMRT v2.10Requires module(s): Fire and Rubble

No picture provided!The last, desperate battles for the heart of Berlin. Seize the Kroll Opera, Reichstag, and the heart of Berlin over two linked battles

Stock Campaign

Date Range: 1945/05/27 - 1945/05/29 Region: Germany
Filename: FR Night at the Opera

Campaign Decision Tree:

No campaign decision tree available!
Battle Number &
Battle Name
Win Threshold Next Battle after Win Next Battle after Defeat Minimum Required Victory Maximum Allowed Victory Blue Refit Blue Repair Vehicle Blue Resupply Blue Rest Red Refit Red Repair Vehicle Red Resupply Red Rest
[Campaign Battle #00]
CMFR Night at the Opera
Minor Victory #01 #01 Don't care / determined from overall score Don't care / determined from overall score 40 100 50 50 50 50 75 50
[Campaign Battle #01]
CMFR Night at the Opera Encore Soviet
Minor Victory Campaign End Campaign End Don't care / determined from overall score Don't care / determined from overall score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0